Benediktinerstift Göttweig
Contact & Informations
3511 Stift Göttweig
Stift Göttweig 1
+43 2732 85581 0
+43 2732 85581 288

The unmistakable Benedictine Abbey Göttweig towers at 422 m above sea level on the eastern edge of the world-famous Danube valley of the Wachau (a UNESCO World Heritage landscape). A World Heritage Site itself since 2001, the abbey not only attracts guests from all over the world but it also serves as a spiritual centre in the heart of Lower Austria and is run by a community of about 45 monks.
The monastery– also called the “Austrian Montecassino” due to its magnificent mountain location – was founded in 1083 as a monastery for the community of canons, who lived according to the Rule of Augustine. In 1094, Göttweig was handed over to the Benedictines. Today, only remains (Erentrudis Chapel from 1072, the Old Castle, the crypt and choir of the church) of the medieval buildings of Göttweig are present as the Baroque reconstruction of the monastery was necessary after a devastating fire in 1718.
The imperial court architect Johann Lucas von Hildebrandt provided the plans for the grandiose monastery. Work began in 1720 under Abbot Gottfried Bessel and could be completed to two-thirds.
In the museum in the Imperial Wing (Kaisertrakt), the visitor experiences this Baroque magnificence, such as, for example, the monumental Imperial Staircase with Paul Troger’s ceiling fresco from 1739 which is one of the most beautiful and largest Baroque staircases in Europe. Every year, in the adjoining Royal Chambers and Imperial Apartments, special exhibitions from the art collections of the monastery are shown.
Only “pro hospitibus primae notae”could originally use the Imperial Staircase in Göttweig ……only for guests of the highest level.
Today, Austria’s largest Baroque staircase stands at the entrance of the museum in the Imperial Wing::
Walk – just as Maria Theresa or Emperor Napoleon once did – under Paul Troger’s enormous ceiling fresco and experience the most beautiful rooms of the monastery!
Museum in the Imperial Wing
- Imperial Staircase…the largest Baroque staircase in Austria
- Altmann Hall
- Hunting Room
- Tapestry Room
- Kleine Galerie
- Napoleonic Room
- Archive
“All strangers who come are to be received as Christ because He will say, ‘I was a stranger and you took me in.”
… With these wise words, St. Benedict introduces Chapter 53 of his Rule of the Order, which is entirely devoted to hospitality. We, Benedictines, at Göttweig also try hard to live up to this high standard. Our house is open to guests, with a range of visitor options.
Go online and get an initial overview of our:
- Restaurant
- Retreat House mit with its Accommodations
- Museum
- Youth Centre
- Calendar of Events and Courses ,
- Event Options
Find the offer that suits you best and be a guest at Göttweig.
We are looking forward to your visit!
Opening Times
2020 Season
5th June – 1st November 2020
Tour (without a guide): Daily: 10:00 – 17:30
Admission Centre closes & last admission: 16:30
Visit the Imperial Staircase, the largest Baroque staircase in Austria as well as the Royal Chambers and Imperial Apartments!
Guided Tour (individuals – in German):
11:00, 14:00 &15:00
Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
11:00, 12:00, 14:00 & 15:00
Guided Tour (group): All year round! Groups must book in advance!
Special Offer (individuals):
Upon presenting a ticket (from this season) from our following partners, you will receive
a €0.50 discount off the price of your admission ticket to Göttweig Monastery.
EUR 8,00 Adult (without a guided tour)
EUR 7,50 Senior (without a guided tour)
EUR 4,50 Discount (Child (over 6)/Student/Austrian National Service Personnel (U25) with valid ID/ Visitors with special needs)
EUR 16,00 Family Ticket (without a guided tour – parents with their children U16)
EUR 45,00 School Class (max. 30 pupils and 1 teacher) – Admission Only
EUR 2,50 Tour (extra price per person)